Khamis, 24 September 2009

Syawal menemukan kita..

Bakal Adik Ipar.. InsyaAllah.. Berkunjung
pada hari raya ke-3.. Saudara Tarmizi..
Ganu nieee...

Mak Long & Mak Uda..

Dari kiri : Nenek Saudara.. Wan De, Mak Long & cousin..

Saudara-mara dari jauh mengunjung tiba..

Kak Long Fuzimah ( Sepupu ) & Mak Long..

Raya ke-3 da tak berbaju raya dah..
Ayah bersama Pak Uda..

Suasana rumah penulis pada petang raya ke-3

Bukan selalu dapat jumpa.. masing2 lain2 negeri..

Sepupu yang 'stylo'.. Abang Faizal & Fait..

Mak Ngah & Ayah..

Patut tak 'time' beraya baca 'paper' ?

Semasa berkunjung ke rumah Mak Ngah Rubi..

Nenek bersama adiknya merangkap datuk saudara..

Berkunjung ke rumah Tok Cik Aziz.. Adik
kepada nenek ku..

Sebelum Berangkat ke pusara arwah adikku...

Sejurus selepas menziarah pusara.. Setibanya di Serkam
sempat bergambar seketika..
De & Acik.. mempunyai kerjaya dan cita2 yang sama..
Adik ku Ima Marlina.. seorang pendidik anak bangsa..

Sekilas pandang disangkakan Hang Tuah..

Nenek ku dengan gaya orang dulu2.. mesti
nak pegang bunga.. :)

Sejak tahun 1996 suatu kewajiban kami sekeluarga
menziarah pusara adik sebelum berangkat
ke kampung berjumpa sanak saudara...

bersama Keluarga Di Pagi Syawal..

Sweet Couple of the Raya...
Ibu @ Norhayati Sulaiman & Ayah @ Yahya Hashim
Tema penulis tahun ini... the gray!!

Tak lengkap tahun ni tanpa Angah dan Atam di pagi raya..
Dari kiri : Ina Rosyaida @ Acik, Ibu , Ayah , Ima Marlina @ De,
Izwan Effendi @ Bujang, & My Grandma..

Sesi bermaaf-maafan...

Ibu dan ayah ku oren sedondon..

Rabu, 9 September 2009

Life and General... which first?

After closing the prospect.. I got the new business for 'Endowment and invest plan' of Life Insurance policy.. for more information about Life Insurance product, please contact me at +60196201082 or email me at I'll advice and recommand you for the best product and I've short and long term plan for all Malaysian. Please get at least 1 policy of life insurance for every person that because is very importance for your family future. Why you must get the General Insurance for your vehicle but not own self? which of both loving first? your car or your self? For me, I'll get policy cover for my self before think about my car.. How many people do and get it? In Malaysia, reserch by Life Insurance Association Of Malaysia ( LIAM ) told, 1 from 20 Malaysian have the Life Insurance policy and this too far if compared by Japan which 1 from 5 peoples got it..

Think about it.. specialist for my race.. Orang Melayu!!! How much the money and asset for your family if you paralysed and passed away? What your dream for the child future? What preparation from now? Already or not?

75100 MELAKA
TEL : 06-2824575
FAX : 06-2847676
HP : 019-6201082